Home > Artworks > José María Martínez Murillo

Photo of José María Martínez Murillo Spain

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Curriculum vitae

Academic Training:

2005 _ D octor in Fine Arts.

1992 _ Grant Landscape at the Complutense University of Madrid.

_ Licenciado Fine Arts in 1991.

Solo Exhibitions:

Heriberto Jara Corona International Airport in 2011 the City of Veracruz (Mexico).

2010 Ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Madrid.
1998 Duayer Gallery, Madrid.

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See everything we offer you!
51.18 x 38.19 in
22.83 x 18.11 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
35.83 x 35.83 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
32.28 x 23.62 in
35.43 x 25.59 in
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Curriculum vitae

Academic Training:

2005 _ D octor in Fine Arts.

1992 _ Grant Landscape at the Complutense University of Madrid.

_ Licenciado Fine Arts in 1991.

Solo Exhibitions:

Heriberto Jara Corona International Airport in 2011 the City of Veracruz (Mexico).

2010 Ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Madrid.
1998 Duayer Gallery, Madrid.
1995 Gallery Milan, Madrid.

Exhibitions colectivas:

2000 - Exhibition \"Three Expression, 2000.\" Burgos.
1998 - VI Exhibition \"Tribute to Madrid,\" Duayer gallery.
1997 - \"Great artists in small format\" Galerie Art Gallery, Becerril de la Sierra (Madrid).
Work expuesta in \\ \"Home Decor \\\" Madrid.
V Exhibition \"Tribute to Spain,\" Duayer gallery.
1996 - \\ \'Tribute to Spring \\ \". Duayer Gallery, Madrid.
\"Collective\" Duayer Gallery, Madrid.
It shows in the Art Gallery Galerie, Becerril de la Sierra (Madrid).
1995 - \"Summer Collective\" Gallery Milan, Madrid.
1994 - Exhibition \\ \"Friends of the Retreat. \\\" Gallery Milan, Madrid.
\\ \"Small Format \\\". Sammer Gallery Gallery Segovia.
Participation in \"and shows of Art Galleries\" --Palencia.
Summer Collective gallery in Milan. Madrid.
1993 - Sample from \\ \"Works on Paper \\.\" Duran Gallery, Madrid.
1992 - Exhibition of Becarios of the Chair of Landscape. Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid. Zenhid Gallery, Madrid.
Exhibition of \"Landscape with Figuras\" Duran in the gallery. Madrid.
\"Painting in the Discovery-92\", Caja de Burgos Cículo Catholic.
1991 - Exhibition \\ \"End of career, promotions 91 \\\". Faculty of Fine Arts, Madrid.
Exhibition of \"becados painters.\" Landscape Chair of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Madrid.
Sample of the \"alumnos becados Chair of the landscape\" in the \"Room of the Stars,\" Monasterio de Carracedo, Leon.
Exhibition \\ \"Pintana Segovia \\\". Zenhid Gallery, Madrid.
Sample of \\ \"painters Youth madrileños \\\". BBV Sala de Arte, Vigo (Pontevedra).
1989 - Exhibition on \"Painting and Drawing.\" Caja de Ahorros del Círculo Católico. Aranda de Duero (Burgos).
1988 - \\ \"The spatial representation. \\\" School of Fine Arts. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Participation in contests of artistic nature:

2009 - Selected in the fifth prize of painting Muface, proved by the Ministry of the Presidency of Spain.
2006 - Selected in the \"III Contest and Drawing Grabado\" proved by Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2005 - selected in the \"XV Contest dibujo Gregorio Prieto,\" Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).
2004 - \"International Competition of ideas and previos studies for the construction of the memorial in remembrance of the victims of the atentados 11 March 2004\" in collaboration with the architect Oscar Fernandez Collado, convened by the Housing Concejalía of the Madrid City Hall .
1999 - \"XVII Penagos event of Drawing.\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
1998 - \"Fourth of painting and sculpture contest, Jose Cubero-Yiyo\". Town Hall de Colmenar Viejo. Madrid.
1997 - \"VII Contest dibujo Fundación Gregorio Prieto,\" Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).
\"Competition and National Tauromachy \\\" Foundation \"José Cubero\" Aranjuez.
1996 - \"Drawing Penagos XIV contest.\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
1995 - National Prize Drawing \\ \"Antonio Rincon.\" Diputación de Guadalajara.
1994 - \"VI National Fast Painting Contest Parque del Buen Retiro \\\" Madrid. Madrid City Hall.
1993 - \"X-Prize for Painting Duran\" Duran Gallery, Madrid.
1992 - \"X-Fast Painting Contest Expansion \\\" Gallery Recoletos Madrid.
\"X contest of Plastic Arts,\" College de Ingenieros Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid.
\"Drawing Contest Penagos X \\.\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
1991 - \"Fourth National Contest of Painting\" Professional Schools of Fine Arts in Madrid.
\\ \"Army Award for Painting \\\" Ministry of Defence.
\"I Certamen de Gregorio Prieto dibujo\" Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).
\"IX contest Drawing Penagos,\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
1990 - \"XI Premio Blanco y Negro.\" ABC Newspaper.
\"VIII contest Drawing Penagos.\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
1989 - \"VII contest Drawing Penagos \\\" Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.


2004 - Santiago Ramon y Cajal Medal deposited in the Legado Cajal Institute of Neurobiology in Madrid.
2002 - Drawing entitled \"Mirón\" the Association \"Friends of Serrablo\" destination with the National Museum of Drawing \"Castle Larrés\" Huesca.

Encargos of official:

2003 - design and realization of modeling presented with a commemorative medal celebrating motivated, in Zaragoza, the cyclone conference in tribute to these acts and of Santiago Ramon y Cajal in the sesquicentennial of his Birth that organizes the Government of Aragon. October 2003.
1994 - realization of a painting in oil of Almudena Cathedral and the surrounding area for the Trust encargo de la Almudena motivated with the openings and visit the Cathedral of His Sanctity, Pope John Paul II.

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